Monday, June 12, 2006

My early birthday present from my wonderful grandma was a trip to Joann's. Oh, how well she knows me... (My aunts do too; one got me a beautiful bag for my stash while the other got me a festive monkey tape measure!)
I got new needles and some soft yarn for a nice summer top. You can't go wrong with primary colors...

Later, feeling bad for not getting me any fancy expensive stuff (?!?), my grandma actually let me get into her stash! I took away some odds and ends she won't use anytime soon, since she is currently stuck crocheting millions of identical angels for the hospital out of tatting thread. ::shudder::

They're mostly just scraps, but that blue-green will be great for socks; it's so light and incredibly stretchy. And that orange is fabulously tasty. She said she has no idea where it came from, but the weight varies so much I swear it had to be spun by hand. At any rate, it's all lovely, lovely yarn.

Guess what else we found in the basement...

My great-great grandmother made this little bag. Unfortunately, it's all torn up at the bottom and all the stitches need to be picked up. :( I have no idea how I'd even begin to do that, but if my grandma comes across any more of that yarn we're going to try. It's so beautiful.

My grandma told me that the next time she sees me I "better be wearing a new creation!" She showed off pictures of my prom dress and everything to her friends and she got mad that I didn't bring any new FOs on this visit. :D

Latley all I've been working on is swap stuff, and learning how to drive. Oh, except, except--!--you know Knitta Please? Well, I'm totally ripping their idea off and tagging my city with cool knitted graffiti!! I've left multicolored garters on two metal poles so far (not enough time for a whole stop sign sweater just yet), but I'm looking to add plenty more. I wish I had pictures, but I just don't think to bring my camera places like I think to bring my needles.

This has gotten long and haphazard enough for one post, so I suppose I'll leave you with the wonders of Easter egg dye.


At June 14, 2006 9:17 AM, Blogger rachel iufer said...

easter egg dye, genius. did you use a turkey baster to apply the dye? i love the colors! i'll have to stock up on egg dye next time easter rolls around...

At June 14, 2006 10:27 AM, Blogger Sally Sue said...

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At June 14, 2006 10:30 AM, Blogger Sally Sue said...

No, I soaked it in sections. I didn't microwave it or boil it or anything, I just put the tablet and vinegar and water in a wide bowl and let the yarn soak until the water wrung out almost clear.

At June 17, 2006 12:17 PM, Blogger Sally Sue said...

creepy dolls, you say? hey, that actually sounds pretty cool...


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