Tuesday, April 11, 2006

El fin de Rose of Sharon...

Good buttons. That, just as I suspected, is what this sweater was missing this entire time. I can sleep happily now.

(And yes, before anyone appalled enough ships one to me, I do in fact own an iron. Ironing is just a waste of time. Honestly, who wears wrinkle-free skirts nowadays?)


At April 12, 2006 12:13 AM, Blogger Alexa said...

Lovely! The shape of your sweater really flatters of you, and I'm envious (In a good way) of your designing skills! Believe me, that sweater would have been ripped with even a slight imperfection if I had mate it.

And once again, you did a lovey and good job!

At April 12, 2006 8:20 AM, Blogger lomester said...

So So CUTE! How do you do that? I cannot wait to be able to create my own designs...


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