It's a big-ass ear on my shirt! It's to share the importance of listening, plus I have a fascination with anatomy. I've had a halfway-finished shirt with inner organ appliques on it for months now, but I really don't want to cut the pieces for the small intestine. The digestive system has to wait. Meanwhile, I've moved onto machine embroidery (I cheat by sewing over paper and ripping it off). I would have done an inner ear because they have those sweet logarithmic spirals, but no one would have known what it was.
Next up in the sewing world will be a bright floral sundress.
I'm not going to foolishly anticipate that it'll turn out even in the remote semblance of the original illustration, but it's nice to have a dream, isn't it? The fabric's so nice. I think it's rayon, too. Breezy!
I've been listening to the Mountain Goats a lot lately. They've got Weakerthans-Neutral Milk Hotel-esque warbly-voice poetry, but there's also a bluegrassy, nature metaphor Fruit Bats taste to their music. Pretty.
So here's what's really going on. I'm working on a pattern that I'm hopefully going to submit to Knitty, if I finish before the deadline, July 1st. I've already completed two prototypes and scribbled down somewhat-patterns for each, I just have to decide which features are going to carry on to the final piece. Now what I'm really thirsty for is a simple project to work on while I read. School is almost out--I have two exams to take yet, not to mention my four theology projects due Wednesday--then I'll be free! The long weekend has given me a taste of summer already, and I'm eternally grateful for the time I'll soon have to get lost in several new books. Maybe I can finally dig into that Knitpicks Dye Your Own and the PAAS Easter egg tablets to start on a multicolored felted tote bag. I've been planning the project for months. Just think--stockinette on circular needles. My hands instantly rejoice in relaxation at the very thought of it (the Knitty pattern? It's no stockinette.) I also joined my first ever Craftster swap. Yep, that's right... before May 26th I was a swap virgin. The theme's Fruits & Veggies, and I'm getting so excited over it! I hope my partner is pleased with what I make her; I'm a bit nervous about it. But I am thrilled that, as far as the beginning of the summer before I leave for a five-week Governor's Scholars Program, my only two deadlines shall be craft-related. Sorry for another pictureless post. Peace.
I didn't desert my knitting. I'm just not making enough progress on these brand new projects to really show off anything. It's been a year since I first started knitting clothes, though. Isn't that crazy? I barely knew how to purl a year ago, and look where I am now... doing lace and cables and colorwork. ::pats self on back:: Good job, me.
I had a cello recital on Sunday. Hungarian Rhapsody, composed by David Popper.
You can listen to my piece here since Napster is free now. Last track on the album. Just imagine that, only more ammature, and with a piano accompaniment instead of orchestra. It's a really intense, melodramatic, dancy piece. Everyone should be a Popper fan. You know he was a cellist himself? To emphasize the Bohemian vibe, I dressed up like a gypsy for it. (Because when have I ever passed up the blatant opportunity to transform an average social affair into a costume party? The answer is never.) Sorry for the blurdom, but here's a picture of me practicing: (Go-go sixteenth notes in thumb position. I'm proud of my mammoth thumb callous!) That's a crazy silk shirt, a flowy sequinny wrap skirt, and a glitter head scarf. I had these gaudy earrings and big metallic beads braided into my hair, too. Fun!
Oh, this is a knitting page? Well, I have callouses from that too. Not much textile magnificence amidst preparation for finals, but I'm working on something. Trust me.
Lots of goodness! Aren't the colors mouthwatering? Naturally, I cast on seconds after this picture was taken.
Also, I had a crazy decorated letter for my pen pal in the mailbox. (The decorations actually turned out really ugly... but nevermind that.) The front door was left lazily open as I was working like a snail on my history project, and I distinctly heard the mailman come, open the box, giggle to himself about the crazy envelope, and walk away. It made me smile.
Well, I'm going to hit it since Blogger is acting whack right now.